
Monday, April 25, 2011

Kid's Stuff: The Power of A Necklace

Rise and shine! Actually I'm not so excited for today's activities. It's facial day, and after a long two-month no-show, I know it's going to be ouch when the facialist extracts all those dirts from my clogged pores. Perhaps that's why I decided to throw on this whimsical ultra-colorful, cheerful, and totally happy fleece necklace. I bought it in little tweeny store for tween girls, so it's not something that a grown-up is supposed to wear, but hey, I'm not one stick to the rules, so throw out the "not supposed to"! These pictures were taken before the facial. I know that after the session I would be puffy and all red like a plump tomato. Huh.

I prefer to wear something comfortable and with buttons for a facial, so I wear the black shirt I wore to work just yesterday. If you think it's so gross, at least I can justify that my office was on AC, I didn't sweat, and it's going to go sraight to the laundry after salon, so, why not?

Let me tell you something about the power of a necklace, before heading to the salon, I had lunch at Fish & Co. EX and people were staring like "Why is that girl wearing a flower garden on her chest?"

Kid's stuff's soooo cool! It's fun, original, attention grabbing, and it's cheap!

So why don't you try catering your inner-child and throw something from your little sister's closet for a change? Who knows, you might end up liking it...


  1. SO cute. I'm loving your fun & whimsical necklace and love that you balanced it out with the yellow bag, a perfect touch!! xx veronika

  2. ooh, i really want one of those "clear every single pore" facials! lucky! PS: what a fun idea with the necklace too:)

  3. Thank you for your kind comments. And about the facial, I love how my skin looks several days after the treatment, but nevertheless, it's still soooooo painful! :(

  4. i love that necklace! i love looking in the tween section at target, the clothes are so much more fun! :)

  5. What a fun necklace!!! :) I'd definitely wear one of those.

  6. Love it! Thanks for sharing on Thrifty Thursday :)

  7. hahaha! I love this! I love kids stuff! one of my favorite accessories is a purse in the shape of a fish! Seriously! Who says we can't have fun with what we wear?

    -Heather from

  8. Hi Heather,

    A purse in the shape of a fish? That sounds adorable!!! Want! Want!
    I know, rite. I used to be very prim and Ms. Prissy, everything has to much, everything has to be classic and color coordinated. But you know what? You're absolutely right, when I let loose and let myself breaking a few fashion rules here and there according to situtation & condition, dressing becomes so much more fun and exciting!
    Thanks for stopping by!

    LeeAnne, Style N Season


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