
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Choker Necklace

My Mom gave me like six strands of beaded necklaces from Mangga Dua. That's like the hippest wholesale place in town for clothes, craft supplies, accessories and electronics. The idea is so I can mix and match two or even three necklaces together with different color combinations, as we saw at an expensive department store. Call it fashion on a budget, since the original 3-strand necklace costs an arm and leg.
Unfortunately, Mom bought the wrong kind of necklace. The beads are just too small, which make them hang in odd angles. I hate to waste, so I'm thinking of several different and easy ways I can wear these not-so-right purchases. This is one of them as shown at another post here. First you'll need a piece of ribbon and two strands of rather long beaded necklace in any color combination that you like. Here I use blue and green. The length of the ribbon very much depends on how long you want the finished "product" to be. I only want to make a choker necklace, so I use an old ribbon came with a potpourri product packaging.
I'm too lazy to write down long instructions here and I'm sure you will be bored to read it anyway, so just follow the pictures as guideline. It's pretty much straightforward and easy.
Tie the ribbon into a bow after you wear the necklace, not before! If you want a longer necklace that hangs down to your chest, you'll need a longer ribbon and I suggest you use a color coordinated ribbon because it will show together with the beads. And here is the finished look.


  1. I love this idea! Thanks!


  2. You're very welcomed, Emilie.... :)

    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  3. Great tip, LeeAnne! I can't wait to try this :)

    P.S. Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog ;)

  4. so clever! turned out cute, thanks for sharing. :)


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