
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pinky Love

Guilty as charged. I'm so captivated by these cute artwork at the mall, I forgot to take proper pictures of my outfit! So, I hope you enjoy the colorful snaps here.
The flowery chiffon top has a halter neck. Since I'm going to mass, I layer it up with this white doily-like knitted cardigan. (Is this a cardigan? I don't know how to call it)

Aren't they pretty?
These might be fun things to try:
  • Take pictures with funny art or craft work and strike a cute pose. Who cares if you're not a child anymore? Having fun doesn't have age limit!
  • Create a paper collage statement card and give it to someone you love, like your mom, your child (perhaps in their lunch box?) your friend or your partner.
  • Keep pretty collectibles like seashells, marbles, pressed flowers, or even just colorful pushpins in a jar, tied with a ribbon.
  • As the artwork says: love is sharing. Why not try share lunch with a friend or a colleague? Especially is you're a good cook and she's not.
  • And in honor of the last picture: what about eating fresh tomato slices sprinkled with a little sugar on a warm summer day?

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