
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Two-Week Notice

I've started posting entries for Style N Season since March 2011, but actually as of today, I've been online for two weeks!

As a novice blogger who is not IT/technology/internet savvy (and I do mean NOT savvy AT ALL), this has been an exciting experience. Even if I'm 90% clueless, I'm 100% happy!

I love to write and start this blog just for the fun of it. I'll be the first person to admit that I'm not a professional blogger in any way. I'm more like an organized-freak who likes to document everything including what I wear, what I love and how I decorate my home. I blog especially for friends and family, and I expect traffic will be very minimum. I'll be lucky if I can get like 1 visitor for every other day, or even once a week! So imagine my surprise when I checked the stats and found out that I've gotten like hundreds of visitors from 10 countries so far!

Most of the visitors came from:

  1. USA

  2. Indonesia

  3. Australia

  4. Canada

Wow, and I thought Indonesia will be on the top.

Publishing my blog online instead of just keeping it for myself and a few friends have given me that much-needed motivation to learn the ropes of blogging. I don't dedicate hours on it everyday. Blogging is just one of my many interests, and if spend so much time on it, I won't have time to live! But I have received many valuable inputs and kind advice from my readers, which I'm very thankful for.

These are what I've been learning for the past two weeks:

  1. How to add Follow with a click

  2. How to change the design blog template

  3. How to create a page and write the About section on it

  4. What a button means (not button on a blouse like what I thought!) and how to grab someone else's button to my blog (I haven't yet learned how to create my own)

  5. There are so many awesome bloggers out there! Creative, beautiful ladies who inspire me so!

So, thank you for visiting this blog and giving your inputs, lovely people!

And remember. Life is a celebration. Be thankful. Be happy. Enjoy.

God bless and regards,

LeeAnne, Style N Season,

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Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting my lil' blog! Your messages, comments and opinions are one of the delights of my day, and I love reading every single one of them as well as try to respond to them whenever I can. So, thanks again for taking the time to write anything here! ^_^