
Friday, September 23, 2011

Just Jeans!

Captain America is here! I don’t read the comics, but since my movie-lover friends are pretty excited about the film, it gets to me, too! So, today, after work, we’ll be going for dinner and watch the movie at Emporium Pluit.
On weekdays, usually I don’t bother to change from work attire just to hang out afterwards. In Jakarta, especially in downtown area, it’s a common sight to see younger or older professionals walking around the malls on weekdays in their office clothes. However, today I really want to wear jeans. So this is what I wear to go from professional day like this:
... to casual evening like this.

Baggy lemon-colored top: Banana Republic, cinched with red Mango belt. Bag: Stradivarius. Necklace: gift from Holland. Pistachio green and silver bracelet: gift from Hongkong. Green and red bangle: from Jerusalem (it looks pretty Christmas-y, isn’t it). Earrings: from Bali. Black slacks: The Limited (USA). Jeans: Jordache (USA). Red striped wedges: Mon Cher by Lolly.

I left my cammie in the car, so I couldn't take snaps of the fun time we had at the mall, though. :(

Watching all those action-hero movies, I cannot help but thinking that as basic as it is, most people tend to forget this: with great power, there comes great responsibility. In the finance world, an investment banker friend summarized it nicely: “In the balance sheet, for every asset you have, there’s always a liability that comes with it.”

Most people want the power, but not the responsibility. Something to keep in mind.

Anyway, look at the bracelets I'm wearing. I bought the cheerful red and green bangle from a street vendor in Jerusalem for only a buck! The pistachio green bracelet is a gift from a colleague from her business trip to Hongkong. Don't you think it's pretty? I certainly do! She noticed that I haven't got many green accessories, so she bought me this bracelet. Isn't she sweet? Thank you Bu Lusi!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute and bright and fun! Love that belt



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