
Friday, September 2, 2011

Not So Neutral Afterall

Camel. Nude. Neutral. Earth tone. Taupe. All those colors, all those oh-so-elegant colors, I've been wanting to try for months. However, I cannot help that my penchant for all things pink just pops out from this whole supposed-to-be-neutral ensemble.

I guess by now my colleagues are used to of this thick-faced girl striking a pose in the office like, almost every day. Some of the guys cannot help teasing "Are you moonlighting as a model for filing cabinet now?" Others ask more serious questions "Are you selling clothes online now and take picture everyday for your shop?" Huh? I wish. For both a filing cabinet model and an online clothing store owner. I could use the proceed to buy some new bags. And ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream for dessert after lunch hour. So I won't get sleepy every 2 pm when I'm working. The odd thing is, once I leave the office, the sleepiness is gone. Ha!

Striped top: Bebe. Tan jacket: DKNY. Black pants: office uniform. Bracelets: Debenhams. Shocking pink bag: Guchi Collection (Sogo Central Park). Shocking pink earrings: Aldo. White and gold low wedges: Voir (Malaysia).

1 comment:

  1. Your shirt and jacket look so great together. The purse is so fun with it too.



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