
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He Holds The Key To My Heart

I had no idea what title I should give this post, but then I noticed these key-like earrings I wore, and decided the title on a whim. The earrings were from my Fall Haul 2011 as you can read in this post here. The point is, I want to wear pants today, but still want to look feminine, because... well, maybe because it's Valentine's Day? What do you think of my attempt, Friends? ^_^

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

Black slacks: office uniform by Invio. Black turtleneck: Lerner New York. Blazer: tailor made. Pastel color-blocking bat-style stop: Escrava. Purse: Palomino. Shoes: Yongki Komaladi. Necklace: Warna (MKG). Earrings and bracelet: Naughty (MKG).


  1. you look pretty
    happy valentine 2!

    new outfit post - cold as ice

  2. love your accessories! especially that Darling necklace. and your previous post is darling as well! love the colors :)

    The House of Shoes

  3. happy v day!!!
    hope u had a great one.

    lovely look!!!

    Follow me on:
    Miss Kwong - Art and Fashion

  4. your jewelry is just gorgeous!!!

    & i haven't tried the mermaid eye shadow pencils, so im going to def. have to try it out!! thanks girly!



Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting my lil' blog! Your messages, comments and opinions are one of the delights of my day, and I love reading every single one of them as well as try to respond to them whenever I can. So, thanks again for taking the time to write anything here! ^_^