
Monday, January 13, 2014

Monochromatic With A Twist

Today I aim for monochromatic look in red hues. Yes, pink is a lighter shade of red! My wardrobe doesn't include pink or red blazer though, so I have to make do with black instead. If you notice, here I'm mixing patterns of diagonal stripes on my skirt, and checked on my bag. This kinds of detail make me happy, even if I'm the only one who notice its subtle beauty!

The weather has been all cloudy and rainy lately. The sky is grey and overcast. Hence I opt to dress up in cheerful, bright colors to give me a little lift. Red is a happy color. Pink is a feminine, pretty color. By throwing black on top of the red and pink combination, this ensemble look feminine, yet bold.

I really love this bag. I like bags that are big and have a structured form to them. I don't really like floppy bags, though I have some of them in my purse collection. I love bags more than shoes because bags will never hurt my feet!


  1. i'm loving the pink and red together.... great choice in colors! :)

    Found your blog via Watch What I'm Wearing link up... hope you stop by and let me know your thoughts on my outfit. I am also having a giveaway! :)

    Rhea, Et Cetera - chevron dress & blazer

  2. I just discovered your blog and I love this outfit! The stripes in the skirt and the check on the bag look lovely!


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