
Monday, February 24, 2014

Not-So-Small Mini Project: Bathroom Centerpiece Organization

Some time ago, I mentioned that I committed myself to doing a small, relatively-easy-to-do, not-too-time-consuming mini project about once a week or so. This week I intend to decorate the main bathroom in my home by creating some kind of centerpiece.

But first, let me show you some pictures of what I was wearing. I wore this months ago, I think when Baby Michael was about four months old and I just got back to work full time. After becoming a Mom, I tried to arrive at the office earlier, and therefore I can leave work on time and spend some precious hours with Baby Michael before he goes to sleep at eight o'clock. I played with him, we welcomed Hubby together, I changed him before bedtime. Motherhood is not something that I'm naturally good at, but I'm trying and doing my best. 

Anyway, I'm a big believer in recycling things. If you have been following me for a while, you would know that I refashioned my daily clothes into maternity clothes so I didn't need to buy special clothes just for pregnancy. Not just because it's frugal and it saves money, but I also believe in saving the Earth for future generation. I'm not a go green hardcore, but I'm trying to do my little part. Now, I got this green plastic cup from the hospital where I gave birth, and I took it home with me. Here I used it to put my toothbrush and toothpaste. Waste not, want not. Near the faucet I placed a cute Hello Kitty soap dispenser that I got for about two bucks. I looked at it every morning when I brush my teeth and smile. Ow, I think I need to clean my faucet, it looks diiiiiiiirty!

Here's a closer look of the Hello Kitty soap dispenser. I just fill it up with any generic hand soap from the grocery store. I don't have any particular favorite when it comes to hand soap.

Have you ever being in the middle of a shower or washing your hair and you realized that you were running out of soap or shampoo or whatever, then you had to run out of the shower soaking wet to get whatever it was you were running out while water was dripping still from all over your hair and your body, making puddles on your floor? I have. More than once. And it's no fun. So I decided to keep some extras right in the bathroom. Here I put some of my favorite bath and body products in a wicker basket. I don't use body butter in the bathroom, but I threw some Body Shop ones in anyway, because they make a pretty combination. Some sort of bathroom centerpiece, if you will. The wicker basket came as Christmas present, filled to the brim with Body Shop bath and body products, that I received at the office as a parcel. I shared the products with the girls at the office, and brought home the products, because nobody wanted it and I thought I could make a use of it.

Done! The project took me about fifteen minutes or just a little more from start to finish and it gives me such satisfaction. I feel like, "I accomplished something!", and inspired me to do even more mini projects like this. If I tackle one small project like this per week, I can accomplish 52 in a year, and beautify so many corners in my home. Or getting some pocket money as well as decluttering my bookshelves like I wrote in my old post about selling my old books to friends and to the secondhand bookstore!

By the way, if you are curious what Christmas parcels are, they are gifts from vendors and suppliers, usually on auspicious holidays like Christmas or Lebaran, that were send to the office. They are sort of thank you gifts that say: "Thank you for your business. I hope we'll continue to do business together. Happy Christmas/Lebaran!" Most of the time, the gift came as a basket filled with sort of goodies that could be shared among the people at the office: cookies, sodas, little knick knacks, coffees, gourmet teas, soaps, etc. It is a common practice in Indonesia, and done in a proper way, is not considered a bribery. More like a custom or a culture.  It's different in every country, even in every office, but it's just totally fine in my office as long as it's just something small and common and could be enjoyed together in the office and not something expensive or extravagant. And of course, it must be sent to the office, not to anyone's home!

What do you think of my mini project, Friends? 

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Simple Gal's Journal: Random Things About Me

Just some random things...
These pictures were taken when I was twenty weeks pregnant. Which, explains the weird, super high waist position of my checked wrap skirt.
I'm writing this while listening to Whitney Houston's "The Greatest Love of All". I think the late Whitney had an uncomparable powerful voice, that has the ability to touch so many hearts. It's just so heartbreaking how she ended up because of drugs and personal problems, so she could not use up her God given gift anymore.
Yesterday I paid for a three-month membership at the local gym. I paid for three months for two reasons. One, it's pay 3 get 1 month free promotion. Two, knowing that I have paid so much, there's no way I will not take advantage of it. It's my little trick to push myself to exercise!

If you are 100% sure that you have done your best, yet there are still people who still moan, whine, complain, nag or scold you, just keep doing your best, and pity those particular people for being THAT unhappy.

My favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides."

I cannot use mascara or eyeliner. Even the waterproof version smears on my eyes, even when applied with top drawer primer and by professional make up artist. It's a pity, since both cosmetics can do wonders to one's look. Yet most of the time I feel fortunate because I don't need to deal with those two products at all!

I love my job, and I don't plan to quit work anytime soon. But my family and home are in higher priority. When there's a threat they will switch place in my priority list, I will stop working on the dot. For that matter, I'm lucky that I'm not the family breadwiner. I know some women simply have no choice, no matter what people say.

I try to not being judgemental, but it's just human nature to have opinions about everything. There's nothing wrong with that.

I always, always, love two story house. I love working in a tall building. I think the view from above is just fantastic. Everything looks much more beautiful when you're higher up.

My favorite color was blue. I disliked the color pink. I trained myself to be more feminine after many years of struggling, then I fell in love with the color pink. Odd? I still found myself surprised.

I'm a dog person, not a cat person. Some might judge me for this, but I have no love for cats except for Hello Kitty. Haha! And yes, I still wear Hello Kitty, in a subtle way of course, eventhough I'm a mother now. In my personal opinion, no one is too old to add some cuteness into their daily lives. In moderation of course, because an overdoze of cuteness can be dizzying.

I have lived in two countries: Indonesia and the US. It's nothing compared to some people's experience who have lived in 5 or more countries, but I feel so priviledged to be given that opportunity. If there are two countries that I would be interested to try living for a year, that would be: Japan (in Tokyo) and France (Paris). What about New York? THAT, I don't mind living for the rest of my life, if I were single. Now, I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe yes, maybe no. *laughter*


Monday, February 10, 2014

Pastel Mood N Pink Caddy

It's almost Valentine's day. My husband and I have been married for almost two years now, so we practically newlyweds. We lead busy lives and we have an active one-year-old, but we always try to find ways for date nights. Even just going for a movie at a mall five-minutes-drive away for a casual jeans-and-tshirt movie night at nine o'clock in the evening (our baby sleeps at eight o'clock every night). We enjoy being at home, so we don't go out as much as when we were still in a courtship. 

For Valentine's, we planned a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant at a five-star hotel. It's not for us wanting to be fancy. The restaurant has a special meaning for us, because it was there where we had our first real date. We haven't been there fot a long time, and because this year's Valentine's Day falls on Friday, and we have been blessed with some extra money to spare, we decided to be fancy for a change. ^__^ 

Of course, the weather has been terrible lately and we always worry about flood and storm, so, we'll just wait and see. If the storm hits again in the evening as it's been for the past couple of weeks, then we'll just celebrate at home, which is fine with us. 

About a week ago, I got this very cute, hot pink, heart-shaped, plastic bucket from a store at a nearby mall when I went to lunch with some coworkers. What do you call this thing exactly? Toiletries bucket? Shower caddy? I don't know, really. But anyway, I used to use a used Kentucky Fried Chicken plastic bucket to stash all my toiletries. It has been like that for about four years, and the KFC bucket was just practical and effective, but it's not very pretty! So, after four years, I thougt I would treat myself and get a new one!

At first I thought I would get the usual round one, but this one stole my heart with its Valentine-y shape and cheerful color. Also, I was thinking about practicality and usage. The heart shape is actually perfect for my shower corner when you position it like this. It works much better than the round circular shape. I really love how it turns out.

Anyway, these are old pictures taken when I was twenty weeks pregnant. I can't believe how time flies! We can't even imagine what life was like before we had our baby! It's like he's always been here with us, always the three of us.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Getting Organized: Mini Projects

Since January,I've been trying to do one small project every week or so, either for myself, for the home, or for my family. It's nothing big. Arranging my dressing drawer. Arranging a pretty centerpiece for the living room table. Writing one blog post. Nothing big or overwhelming that might scare me into not doing it at all, or actually tackling it then not finish it because I got swamped. 

This week project is getting rid of my old books. I'm an avid reader and boast a huge collection of books. Some books, though, I decided that after reading them once, I don't care to keep them in my treasure chest. These books I collect, I put them into a small A4 paper cardboard box, and once the box is full, I sell them to a used book store. I also sold about a dozen or so to friends via my facebook. They are happy about it because they can buy cheaper than at the bookstores.That way when I'm looking at my book collection, I only see the ones that I know I'll enjoy reading over and over again, and not just a bunch of random books which reminded me of "wrong buys". At the same time, I'm providing extra space to buy new books, AND make some pocket money. Not much, but better than those books just sitting there collecting dust.

I found that finishing small projects like that give me satisfaction and a sense of achievement. It makes me feel good and productive, and encourages me to do more projects and get even more organized. So yeah, I believe in taking baby steps. Start small. And before you know it, by the end of the year, you would have finished 52 mini projects. That doesn't sound so small, isn't it?

So don't think just because this is not January anymore, it's too late. It's never too late for self improvement. Start now. You'll be happy that you did later on. I did. I do. ^_^

I'm wearing fuschia pink and camel brown today. I love the bird detailing going on this medalion style necklace. It's so dainty and cute.