
Monday, April 14, 2014

Pink Daisies In The Midst of Grey: Being A Responsible Citizen

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

Last Wednesday was election day in my country, so both Hubby and I stayed home from work to vote. Actually I was too lazy to vote, because I lost faith in politicians anyway, but Hubby gently reminded me that we should be a responsible citizen and vote. Also, the Church advised us to vote. Even if we choose not to vote anyone, people had advised me to just vote more than one party. That would result my vote being annuled, but at least it cannot be used by irresponsible parties. 

Politics and election is a dirty business. My husband had moved from his older neighborhood to our current one, so he voted here near our house. Yet, his sister found out that in his old neighborhood, someone claimed to be my husband to vote using his name! By some odd God's interference, that man stood right in front of Hubby's sister so she caught him off guard, interogated him, and he just walked away. We shared through social media, and found out that this case is not rare, it happened a lot for those who moved. Their identity got stolen to double vote. That convinced me even more that I should and must and will vote every single time, starting from now! Every vote counts!

pemilu 2014

Let's talk about happier subject. After voting, we bought this super delicious, super yummy, fluffy, crusty, croissant like picnic roll, filled with thick slices of ham, cheese and egg. Hmmmmmm... Very good breakfast, perfect for a lazy sunny day! (Though it rained in the afternoon) We stopped by at a neighbor's place, a sweet single woman whom we like so much named Lucy, and gave her two slices of the picnic roll. The loaf consisted of ten slices, Hubby ate four slices in one sitting, I ate two, so we still have more than enough to share for afternoon snacks!

Here's a closer look of this heavenly goodness... See the shredded cheese on top and how thick the filling is? It's very satisfying!

And then we spent the rest of the day playing with our son, Michael. See, he's playing with his favorite toy of the day: Mommy's lunch box. I stopped buying him expensive toys a long time ago, since he prefers to play with the most common daily things he finds around the house: spoon, tins, cans, pots, pans, boxes, remotes, Mommy's purses, Daddy's car keys, etc. Frugal Mommy, frugal baby.

I found these pictures of an outfit I wore when I was nineteen weeks pregnant from a long time ago. I thought I would just post them anyway because they're not doing anything good just sitting idle in my laptop. The wrap skirt, of course, had been refashioned so they would fit my belly. A good thing about wrap skirt on pregnant women, you can just adjust the strap every week according to your waistline. Super easy, super frugal maternity wear. Also, it is still a stylish maternity wear.

Also, you cannot do much when you are pregnant and your belly is protruding and you don't want to spend tons of money on clothes that you will only wear for several months, so I played a lot with accessories. Pregnant women can still be fashionable. I cannot stress this enough.

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

stylish maternity wear, frugal maternity wear, office maternity wear

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:




  1. It's so important to vote - even if it's for the "least bad" candidate. Voting is a privilege many die for. I'm glad you made it out, and that your sister-in-law caught the imposter. I love how God orchestrates things!

  2. You look great in your 19 weeks pregnant outfit. :) Also...that croissant/sandwich roll thing...YUM! That looks delicious! I've never seen anything like that in the states! Thanks for linking up to Manic Monday!
    On the Daily Express

  3. Great Post! Love your blog, I am your newest follower via GFC

    <3 ~Julia~

  4. That picnic roll looks yummy. I feel like I just got a snapshot of what it feels like to live in your country. Lovely!

  5. You look very springy and pretty...thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Good for you to get out there and vote. Sorry about the stolen identity, but your sister-in-law caught one person. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell Me a Story."

  7. You look gorgeous in pink. It's definitely your colour. My girls were the same and preferred to play with household items instead of toys. It's changed now and want all the expensive toys. Thanks for linking up. Rachel x

  8. You look gorgeous in pink. It's definitely your colour. My girls were the same and preferred to play with household items instead of toys. It's changed now and want all the expensive toys. Thanks for linking up. Rachel x

  9. YAY! voting is so important! So nice to see you!!! Loving your look!! the red shoes are cute!!! xoxo Don't forget to link up this week! I love seeing your finds!! It just went up!


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