
Monday, July 14, 2014

Parsley, Paisley N Frugal Children's Toys

Hello, Friends!

I found these pictures from when I was 32 weeks pregnant and I thought it's worthy to share, especially for pregnant ladies out there who are looking for inspiration on maternity wear! I have to say that this long vest and pleated black skirt are the most versatile pieces in my maternity wardrobe. Actually the skirt is not maternity wear, but the elastic waistband stretched over my belly up until before my C-section and it was very comfortable to wear. The long vest cleverly disguise the shape of my body during the later months. Not that I'm ashamed of my body shape during pregnancy, don't get me wrong. However, I personally think it's vulgar and not very tasteful when the whole world is able to see every curve and nook and everything else of my body, pregnant or not. So, the vest is a nice layer for that purpose. Good investment.

The paisley yellow and green top is not a maternity shirt either. Fortunately most of my tops are shapely but loose enough to carry me through the whole pregnancy, so I didn't need to shop for special maternity clothes. Besides, I naturally have small frame, my belly just started to become noticeable after the sixth month.

When Michael was a tiny baby, I researched over the internet on toys and what toys to bring in the diaper bags. I watched YouTube videos and I read blogs. I planned to use the gift voucher I received to buy nice toys for Michael. Not many toys, but good quality toys that he can be creative with and will last for quite a while. Little did I knew back then that not every child loves conventional toys.

Michael loves to play, but he doesn't care for toys. He just use anything and everything that he can find around the house, around the restaurant, the park, anywhere, to play. Look at these pictures...

He was playing with a plastic spoon.

A coworker let me borrow this toy from her, since her daughter no longer cares to play with it. When Michael is bored with it, the toy will go to other coworker mom with toddler.

Michael loves rummaging around Mommy's bag. Or Mommy's groceries. Whatever that he can rummage around. It keeps him occupied for quite a while, so it's convenient for Mommy to take a shower, prepare dinner and get ready while he was doing his digging and researching.

Michael loves cars. And I mean real cars. My parents bought him Hot Wheels, and he played with them for about five minutes, then asked to sit inside of his Daddy's CRV, as usual.

Playing peek-a-boo with Mommy's lunch container is always a fun activity for both of us. My food container got drool all over, but as long as he's happy, let it be.

Sometimes it is tempting to buy him gifts like what any other parents do, but we also know that is foolish. Every child is different and Michael happens to not be interested in conventional toys. We even brought him to a toystore and let him pick his own toy, and he didn't want anything! Well, I guess we'll just consider ourselves lucky that our home is not invaded by mountains of toys! We consider that a blessing. Well, I guess. Though some friends jokingly accused me of being too thrifty to buy him good toys, but what can I do? He just doesn't want them!

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:



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