"Don't just sit there and wait for life to take you to your destination. Be proactive and drive to where you want to be." --- That thought crossed my mind when I was looking through pictures taken from the previous two weeks.
In any situation , there is still something to be grateful for. Even if you wake up to this view off muddy river right in front of your doorstep... And inside your house.
But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start with Xein's second birthday party that was held about two weeks ago. Xein's parents are our friends and they held the celebration on the second floor of their fried chicken restaurant, Sawung Petok. Sawung means house, and petok could be meant as chicken, so the restaurant's name means The House of Chicken. It was the first time Michael attended a birthday party and he was the only two-year-old there who had not gone to school yet, so he was a little bit confused. Michael is rather quite by nature, so he just walked around other little children and adults, noticing things, sometimes his eyes would scan the room to look for me, but as long as I was still in sight somewhere, he was content being with other children. Finally he came over to where I sat with other parents and asked to sit with us to eat some soup, holding his own spoon. One thing that we are very grateful for is that unlike most children his age, Michael enjoys eating and we have little difficulties to make him eat nutritious food.
Several of the parents happened to be our friends, so Hubby and I had a good time catching up, eating fried chicken and ribs and vegetable dishes and soup served on the long table. Christine, our hostess, made sure that food was in abundance and stream of one delicious dish after another continuously brought out from the kitchen. The children ate sweets and savory snacks and drank chocolate milk and played with pool full of rubber balls, swing, and there was a baloon maker that was hired for the afternoon to make baloon in various shapes for the children: rabbit, motorcycle, flower. Very creative!
In the middle is Xein's parents with his elder sister, Angie.
At the office, I was given this goodie bag from a coworker, Ms. Lucy. I wondered what's inside?
Ms. Lucy just got back from business trip to Bangkok, and over there she was tempted to buy these two pairs of pink beauties: a pair of plastic wedges and a pair of gliterry rubber flat shoes. The catch? She's not the pink nor girlie girl type. "I didn't know what came over me that I bought these," she said. Pink is my signature color and everybody knows I love anything with glitters, so she gave them to me. Thank you!!
What I love most is because the wedges are very comfortable and they are plastic, so they will work very well for this rainiy season.
The rubber flats have thick soles which make them extremely comfortable, they have subtle glitters all over, and look at the lovely heart-shaped and flower details on the inner and outer soles. Cute! My Mom, who happened to come for a week's visit to Jakarta, tried them on and liked them, so I gave the flats to her and keep the wedges.
I also received another package of gift last week: an exquisite baby pink flanel blanket in king size (I forgot to take picture) and these two nautical-style, white and blue giant towels. They are thick and fluffy and I love the cheerful summer colors. These will be perfect to replace my old, tattered towels! My old towels were a nice baby pink, but over the years of wear, the pretty color had faded to be a whisper of yellowish pink. Not pretty anymore!
I have been having problem with migraine whenever I get my period for years. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and brought up the topic to my high school chat group. Some of them recommend this royal jelly products called High Desert, and I'm giving it a try. It seemed to give me good result, so I decided to become a member of their multilevel marketing program. Not because I want to become an active seller, but so that I can get their member discount, because these were pretty expensive. Well, I am a frugal gal, but I'm willing to pay more to invest in my health. Let's see if this is going to work! I also noticed that after two weeks, my skin allergy reduced significantly, so I think it's a good investment.
When Mom was visiting, she told Michael that later on, when Grandpa is coming to town, they will take Michael to the mall to ride the choo-choo train. Michael was pretty excited to hear that because he is crazy about trains nowadays. Then we received bad news that Dad's cell phone was stolen.
Mom said to Michael: "Grandpa's cell phone had been stolen by a bad person." Michael thought for a moment with solem expression, then he said something unexpectedly, "Not going to ride choo-choo train, then." Mom didn't understand, so she asked; "Who's not going to ride the choo-choo train, dear?" And Michael answered, "Me not going with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandpa will need the money to buy new cell phone." When Mom told me the little exchange, and told me how thoughtful Michael is, I made a promise there and then that I would take him to ride the choo-choo train this upcoming Saturday! And we did!
Here's a cute little story. When leaving home, Michael suddenly turned around and ran to the small table where we keep our landline phone, Hubby's junk drawer, plates with keys and coins, etc. He grabbed a coin worth 50 cents, and held it tight in his little palms. I asked him, "Son, why are you holding a 50-cent coin in your palm?" And he answered, "To pay for the train ticket, Mommy!" I almost burst out laughing, but then thought the better of it. When we reached the mall, he strolled proudly to the ticket booth lady and handed her his sole coin. "I'd like to ride on the train, please. Here's the money for ticket." The lady and I exchanged amused, conspiratory wink, then she took his money and gave him the ticket. Of course, I paid in full amount after that! I wish I had recorded that little exchange on video with my iPhone. It was so cute!
Michael rode the train twice. Once with Grandma, once by himself. Then he wanted to ride on the small car toy attached to the grocery cart, so Mom and I decided to make a quick visit to the grocery store with the funny cart. A slight incident happened after we're done with the shopping. Another boy about Michael's age wanted to use the car-shopping cart. However, instead of waiting until I got the chance to open the lock and let him out, the child just push Michael and hit him from the outside! Michael never had that experience before, so he just looked at the child with bewilderment. He wasn't scared, and it wouldn't hurt him, because the child was smaller, but he was confused, because all his other friends were nothing like this one. What infuriated me was that the mother just stood there watching with proud face that his son was a bully. I told the child kindly but firmly, "Wait your turn, boy. Be patient, OK!" Then I opened the lock and let Michael out.
Revenge is sweet because when the child got inside the car and his mother started pushing the cart, he started to cry of fright and his mother looked panic trying to get him out. I know it was a childish and unkind thing to do, but I couldn't help myself. I started laughing out loud! Turned out that the little bully was not so brave afterall and the proud mom totally lost her proud composure! The mother gave me an icy glare, which I returned with a laughing, mischievous smile, and she grabbed her child and went away, abandoning the cart altogether.
It's sad that a mother will let her child to be a bully. It's dangerous, too, because Michael is quite big for his age, and imagine what could have happened if he was a boy with hot temper. The little boy could be smacked down! The mother should realize that not only her child being a bully is not cool, but he might risked being hit back by other children who would not take his attack too kindly.
I made a mental note to myself to have a little talk with Michael about this incident. I don't want my son to be a bully, but I don't want him to be bullied, either. Do you have similar experience with bullying? Please share in the comment. Any good advise regarding this matter would be highly appreciated.
Now let me tell you the story of the flood. Every year the road in front of our house is flooded, but we never imagine that this year the water will really flow inside the house! It was a disaster, because it was no clean, clear water, but muddy, dirty water and it also brought lots of insects, cockroaches, and other things. Luckily our house is a two-storey house so we just unplug all electricities downstairs and moved all the living essentials upstairs. The water only subsided two days later, and the smell was unbearable!
Despite the flood, we still have many things to be thankful for. The Lord blessed us abundantly. We still have electricity and running water, also food and drinking water. The utility company shut down power at surrounding neighborhood, but since we live near the City Mayor's house, the electricity is still on. I didn't shower for one full day, because the flood surface was so high, I was afraid using too much water just in case it cannot go down the drainage properly and stay in our plumbing system.
They say that you reap what you sow. Hubby and I have always been kind to our local helpers and people who work in our neighborhood as garderners, drivers, and security personnels. During the flood, they all came to our house to help moving up furnitures and stuff. They didn't have anything to eat, because they usually eat from local street sellers, and they all closed down because of the flood for two days. We have lots of food, so we shared with them. We gave them instant noodles, eggs, bottled water, bread, rice, and some frozen food. After the flood, they showed up again on our doorstpes, helping my husband cleaning the first floor with desinfectant and rubbing alcohol.
Also, we used the time to play with our son. He was a bit bored, but he was happy to have both Mommy and Daddy at home for three straight days. I wore rubber boots when I wanted to go downstairs, to avoid the risk of get electrocuted, but the rubber boots that I prepared for Hubby turned out to be too small for him, so I told him not to get downstairs at all. Little did I know that late at night he forced to go down in his too-small boots just to get some toys for our son. He hurt his feet, of couse. Poor man.
On the third day the water subsided, and Hubby led the cleaning team to scrub all the floors and desinfected everything that was covered with flood water. We threw away many things, including five big boxes full with old books and comic books and clothes that we planned to sort later. Well, no need to sort them now, they have turned into muddy porridge-like mess! I guess it's a blessing in disguise since we had kept postponing to sort them, and now the decision had been made for us by the flood! Haha!
I was having a migraine on the cleaning day, so I just stayed upstairs with Michael while Hubby did the heavy cleaning. That man of mine even went out and bought me my favorite black Toblerone chocolate! Am I a lucky wife, or what!
I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:
- Taming Rapunzel: Hair Style Monday
- DC in Style: Monday Bloom
- Not Dead Yet Style: Visible Monday
- Mom's The Word: Make Your Home Sing Monday
- Happy Wives Club: Marriage Mondays
- The Better Mom: The Better Mom Mondays
- What Joy Is Mine: Monday Musings
- Color Blind: Thrifer Anonymous
- The Modest Mom
- Create With Joy: Inspire Me Monday
- The Beauty in His Grip: Sharing His Beauty Mondays
- A Pinch Of Joy: Busy Monday
- Tell Me A Story
- Still Being Molly: YOLO Monday
- Very Busy Mama: Real Mom Style
- Momma In Flip Flops: Real Mom Style
- Thrifty Chic Mom: Real Mom Style
- I Am Priiincess: Monday Madness
- Basic Training – Corporate Style: Fashionably Employed Link Up
- Glamamom: Mode Monday
- Bon Bon Rose Girls: Monday Mingle
- Mom Trend: Monday Mingle
- More Pieces of Me: Manic Monday
- On the Daily Express: Manic Monday
- Whitney Nic James: Personal Style Monday
- Fizz And Frosting: Mix It Monday
- The Style Record: Monday Must Haves
- A Proverbs 31 Wife: Matrimonial Monday Linkup
- I Should Be Mopping The Floor: Inspiration Monday
- Splashin Glory: Momma Notes
- Missional Call: M M and M Monday Linkup
- Chronicles of Grace: Unforced Rhythms
- The Wellspring: Playdates with God
- Rich Faith Rising: Unite
- Finding Heaven: Soli Deo Gloria
- Growing Home: Growing Homemaker
- Teaching What Is God: Women Helping Women
- Join The Gossip: Monday Morning Gossip
- Life of Meg: Mingle Monday
- Little Miss Fashion Queen: Little Miss Monday
- Strangers & Pilgrims On Earth: The Art of Home Making Mondays
- A Delightsome Life: Return to Loveliness
- Bless Her Heart Y'All: Celebrate Southern Link Up
- Darling Downs Diaries: Good Morning Monday Mondays
- A Field of Wild Flowers: Small Wonder
- Life’s a Party Dress Like it: Stylish Tuesday
- The Fashion Canvas: Trend Spin Linkup
- Corner Stone Confessions: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Time Warp Wife: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
- Keeping Life Simple: The Gathering Spot
- Sugar Bee Crafts: Take A Look Tuesday
- Style Elixir: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up
- Growing Home Blog: Teach Me Tuesday
- 100lb Countdown: Turn It Up Tuesday
- Greater Than Rubies: Remix, Rewear, Restyle
- Walking In Memphis In High Heels: Trend Spin Link Up
- Myriad Musings: Style Swap Tuesdays
- Transatlantic Blonde: What I Wore Wednesday
- Because Shanna Said So: Random Wednesday
- My Girlish Whims: My Whims Wednesday
- Juana Mikels: Wednesday's Prayer Girls
- Kimba Likes: Wardrobe Wednesday
- The Pleated Poppy: What I Wore Wednesday
- Messy Marriage: Wedded Wednesday
- Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired
- My Daily Walk In His Grace: Winsome Wednesday
- A Creative Princess
- Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty
- A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
- Cute And Little: Color Brigade
- Redcliffe Style: 30 Plus Style and Beauty Linkup
- Adorned From Above
- Woman to Woman Ministries: Word Filled Wednesday
- Little R & R: Wednesday Link Party
- We Are That Family: Works For Me Wednesday
- Jennifer Dukes Lee: Tell His Story
- Fitness Blondie: The Hump Day Blog Hop
- Ann Elliott: Mid Week Muse
- God Life Happy Wife: What Wives Wear Link Up
- Shopping My Closet: Style Me Wednesday
- CLK Fashions: Fashion Boutique Favorites
- The Tiny Heart: Look What I Got
- Penniless Socialite: Look What I Got
- Rebecca Lately: Look What I Got
- Vodka-Infused Lemonade: Tres-Chic Thursday
- Mix and Match Fashion: What I Wore to Work
- 3-D Lessons For Life: Thought Provoking Thursday
- Katherines Corner: Thursday Favorite Blog Hop
- A Glimpse Inside: Catch A Glimpse Party
- Serving Joyfully: Thriving Thursday
- Glitz And Gold: All Things Thursday
- Maybe I Will: Be.You.Tiful
- Chic California: Be.You.Tiful
- The Happy Gal: Be.You.Tiful
- Fry Sauce And Grits: Be.You.Tiful
- Raising Mighty Arrows: Proverbs 31 Thursday
- All Things With Purpose: All Things Thursday
- Children Are A Blessing: Growing In Grace Link Up
- White Coat Wardrobe and Perfectly Coutured : Three Fer Thursday
- Simply Just Lovely: Working Girl With Style
- Soul & Spirit: Let Your Light Shine Thursday
- Treasure Tromp: Treat Yo'Self Thursday
- Mummy's Got Style: Fashion Friday
- Penniless Socialite and Delusions of Grandeur: Favorite Fashion Friday Link Up
- Two Thirty Five Designs: Casual Friday Link Up
- Serenity Now: Weekend Bloggy Reading Link Up
- Simply Lulu Style: What I’m Loving Fridays
- Style Elixir: Friday’s Fab Favorites
- Musings of a Housewife: Fashion Friday
- Rags to Stitches: Coffee Date Friday
- Womanhood With Purpose: Friday's Link Up
- Missional Women: Faith Filled Friday
- Spiritual Sundays
- Essential Thing Devotions: Essential Fridays
- Rachel The Hat: Passion For Fashion
- Simple Sequins: Fashion Item Friday
- Chantilly Songs: The Totally Awesome Blog Hop
- Christian Mommy Blogger: Fellowship Friday
- The Jenny Evolution: Friday Flash Blog
- Soul Survival: Faithful Friday Linkup
- Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo: Anything Goes Linky Party
- Midwest Style Bloggers: Friday Favorites
- Lena B Actually: Passion For Fashion
- Blissful And Domestic: Feature Friday Link Up
- Sabby Style: Friday Frills
- How Sweet The Sound: Pink Saturday
- Six Sisters' Stuff: Strut Your Stuff Saturday Linky Party
- Renewed Daily: Recommendation Saturday
- Fashionista Momma: Stylish Saturday
- Sincerely Paula: No Rules Weekend Blog Party
- Amanda's Books And More: Make My Saturday Sweet
- The Baby Shopaholic: Mamanista Friday
Thank you for sharing at Good Morning Mondays. Blessings
ReplyDeleteThankyou so much for dropping by and leaving a comment. You have the sweetest little boy :))))