
Monday, May 4, 2015

One Resolution Per Month: May

Hi Lovely Friends!

If you have been following me for a while, you might know that instead of making New Year's resolutions, I usually break them down into smaller chunks for every season or so. That way, I will less likely to get overwhelmed by my long list of  'commitment' to self and more likely to stick to them. However, I still skip some of them and feel somewhat overwhelmed by them. Then I skip doing it and I'll feel bad.

So, I want to try out a new thing. Instead of making list of a lot of resolutions, I will make ONE resolution per month. Yep. Just one. As much as I am tempted to make more, there are so many new, good habits that I'd like to start, I know that there is a greater chance of success if I only commit to do one thing, but on a consistent, daily basis. Think about it. Within a year, I would have made - and hopefully, completed - 12 resolutions. That's a lot. 

My resolution for May is: 

going to bed by 11 pm on weekdays and 12 midnight on weekends or off days. 

I'm a night owl and a late riser, and I really really want to develop a good habit of going to be early and wake up early. By sticking to this one thing for a month, I believe I can do it. One resolution for a whole month sounds doable, rite. So I will do it, consistently, on a daily basis.

Won't you join me on this journey? Let me know one resolution that you want to keep this May!

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:




  1. That's a clever idea! I'm inclined to embark on more sketches in the hopes of improvement of my basic skills...

  2. I'd like to do one de-clutter thing every other day (at least).

    (From create w/joy)

  3. Love the idea of a once a month resolution / goal. Praying for you =) Cheers, Tiffany

  4. I love that you are doing a monthly resolution - what a great idea! I definitely need to get more beauty rest! Thanks so much for linking up for Mingle Monday! Don't forget to leave a comment on the post when you participate - I would love to hear your answer to the weekly question! :)

  5. I make the resolution to get outside more during the month of May. Thanks for the inspiration!

    I hope you can stop by:


  6. What a great idea...I've been wanting to get to bed earlier and up earlier on a more consistent basis so thanks for the inspiration :-) Visiting from #SmallWonder

  7. This is a fantastic idea, I don't really make new year resolution but I do make monthly goals. My May goal is to write down three things that I am grateful for everyday.

  8. LeeAnne, I love the idea of a fresh resolution every month so you can really put your best foot forward and give it everything you've got. Cheering you on from Wedded Wednesday. : )

  9. This seems way more manageable than a long list in January. I love this idea.

  10. Please delete if this is a duplicate: (My first comment was erased) Your one resolution a month is a great idea. As old as I am, I still have trouble getting to bed before 11:00 pm. Now I have an incentive. thanks for sharing at Tell me a Story.

  11. This is great idea!!!! Thanks for sharing!! Blessings

    Tayrina from TGAWrites

  12. Good idea! Thanks for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!


Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting my lil' blog! Your messages, comments and opinions are one of the delights of my day, and I love reading every single one of them as well as try to respond to them whenever I can. So, thanks again for taking the time to write anything here! ^_^