
Thursday, January 7, 2016

One Resolution A Month: January is to Declutter

Hi Lovely Friends!

Happy New Year and have a blessed 2016 for us all!

Here's an update of my one resolution per month project. You can read about what I'm doing in this post here, but in summary, it's programming yourself to do one, - yes, just one, so it is very feasible and achievable - resolution per month on a consistent, daily basis; thus within a year we will have accomplished twelve resolutions in total, which doesn't sound too shabby, ain't it!

We don't need to wait for New Year to better ourselves. But since this is the beginning of the year, I think it's just so apt.

My November resolution was taking up yoga twice a week, which has been working very well. My office built an employee gym and it has started operations in October. Since then I have been attending yoga class religiously twice a week. It's much easier to commit myself to doing it, when I don't need to drive to the nearest mall, look for a parking spot, then walk across the mall to reach the gym. Very convenient, and I'm so grateful that my office now has the facility.

December was a busy month, with so many things happened, and rushing to finish everything before holidays. I knew better not to overpromise myself anything for that particular month, or else I would be tormented with guilty feeling have I failed to deliver. December is to wrap up everything needs wrapping up, and welcoming the most wonderful times of the year: Christmas to commemorate the birth of Christ, and year end holiday.
Here's my January resolution:
Decluttering project: purge one unneeded item per day.
It sounds simple, but I know it's not really. There are times when I know I have TOO many things, yet I cannot persuade myself to part with any of them, even stuff that I have not used for years. I want to embrace a simpler life, because I have learned that simplifying my life brings forth enormous freedom and gifts of sanity, clearer mind, and more time to spend with family, loved ones and nurturing my one-on-one time with the Lord.
What's your resolution for 2016, or simply for January?
I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:








  1. Thanks so much for this post...I really like the idea of getting rid of one unwanted item each day. My last post was on the "great expectations" we have at new year and how its usually the small and simple habits that we stick with rather than the massive shifts. one item may seem a small thing to do but when you look at it after a whole month that's a lot of items! I am so going to do some more de-cluttering...only thing is I get a little carried away and today I've already put three items in the charity bag and lots more in the bin! (Saw your post on A little R&R)

  2. I too am purging. It is so hard to do but when you are done you fell so good !!!!

  3. It sure does feel good to simplify! Thank you for sharing with us on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :)

  4. I keep telling myself I need to do this. REALLY I do need to.
    Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.


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