
Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Ruffle Purple

Does dressing ultra feminine to the office will make your colleagues think less of you in terms of capability and professionalism? Will they think less of you and doesn't take you seriously because you wear something pink, ruffly, and lacy?

Honestly, the higher my position in the career ladder had become, the more feminine my office wardrobe turned to be. Not for any purpose but because that's the way I love to dress. And higher position allows me more freedom. I no longer have more tasks. Instead, I have bigger responsibility. Nobody tells me anymore what to wear or what time I should arrive at the office, as long as I deliver results.

As for dressing, I think the key is to keep it appropriate and not wear something distracting. Distracting could mean anything from too bold colors, patterns that scream too loud, or too much showing the skin. Anything too much, basically.

"Hey, it's me! I could dress however I please!" Hmmmm, yes, each of us is a unique individual, and being oneself is good. But still, we are also a social being who lives with other people. On a certain degree, everyone needs to compromise to social values and custom, unless you are really willing to live alone in the jungle. That's the price we pay for being and choosing to be a social being as well as being an individual.

Would you tell your boss, or your Mom, or your loved one, that he or she looks really silly in that checked shirt? No, you would try to tell it in a nicer way, though you DO think he or she looks silly.

And keeping the balance between the individual and social sides within us, is an art we keep honing until the end of our lives.

I usually wore this ruffled top to hangout, but this time I decided to wear it for work. This is how I usually styled it. You can read the original post here.

Top: unbranded. Pants: Ann Taylor. Wedges: unbranded. Purse: Les Catino.


  1. I think that ruffled top is a beautiful look for the office, and it looks great on you.

  2. Your bangles are so elegant and feminine!


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