
Friday, September 28, 2012

Way Too Glam, Deary!

What do you think of today's outfit post? Too glam? That's what my Mom said when she saw me donning on the pearly, rhinestone-studded, bow F21 necklace for work. "Won't your boss complain about your outfit, dear? Isn't that necklace a bit over-the-top for work?" And I replied: "Mom, my boss is a man. He couldn't care less what I wore for work, as long as I get my work done well, on time, and just like any other men, he won't make any comments about a woman's clothes as long as it looks somewhat okay."
The thing is, I have experienced working in two downtown areas, once in Houston, Texas, and then in Indonesian capital city of Jakarta. Both were ultra chic, sophisticated, glamorous, and ... expensive. Several years ago, I moved to an office in the suburb, and suddenly, not only I got better salary and benefit package, but I could save much more since I spent much less during my working hours. How come?

Well, first of all, I used to work in a commercial building with lots of temptations called: convenience stores, coffee shops, trendy restaurants, exhibitions, bazaars, and numerous knick-knack shops that sell unuseful but oh-so-cute kitsch stuffs. AND, there are like a dozen or so malls scattered around the area that are reachable just with a short taxi hop. Imagine. I used to spend one-third of my working days in an area surrounded by shopping paradise. How nice. Not so for the wallet.
Now I'm working in the suburb where there's no pressure to dress up, not so many glittering malls, no Starbucks in the building, nothing. Suddenly, by the end of the month, I realized that I haven't spent that much from my hard-earned salary, simply because here, there's nothing to spend the money on. Hurray!
Also, since most people in the office wear uniforms, and you're not going to find girls working in the suburb wearing power suits and high heels, I stopped buying new working clothes, and just mix-matching my old ones. And as you know, working clothes are expensive. So, again, hurray!
Still, sometimes I miss that intoxicating glam feeling from my younger years. So, once in a while I dress up like when I used to work in downtown. The best thing is, now I do just because I want to, when I want to, not because I have to everyday.
Brocade tunic top: Glitter Glam, Isetan. Black wrapped skirt: tailor made. Off-white jacket: H&M. Red obi belt: Mom's vintage, worn backwards. Pearl earrings: thrifted. Necklace: F21. Gold shoes: Voir. Suede purse: Nordstrom. Bangles: Shanghai and Le Marie.

Then I got inspiration from this picture from A Shoe Tale blog that the top might look good tucked in.

What do you think, Friends? Tucked in, or not?

Also, I just found out that I got featured at Adorned From Above at their 20th link party on October 3, 2012 as one of the most viewed post! I'm so glad! Thank you, Ms. Debi!
You can read my featured post titled Pink Puff N Chiffon Clouds here. I wrote about femininity and masculinity as the topic of that particular post. :)

Linking up to:

Thrifters Anonymousstillbeingmolly Sumo's Sweet StuffJoin us! Click the Spotlight pleated poppy Adorned From Above 
http://www.thethriftyhome.comPhotobucketFeminine AdventuresBeautiful Thursdays Real Girl Style Link Up PhotobucketFavorite Frock Fridayfive days five ways | feature friday free for allWeekend Bloggy ReadingPhotobucketFrillsforThrills Mommy's Sweet Confessions WatchOutForTheWoestmans 


  1. Hi, hi! Hope all is well with you! The too is beautiful...I would say that I like it untucked, only because the design is really pretty and you can see more of it when it's left out. But it really is great both ways!

    Win a Complete Rejuvenation System

  2. I love it tucked in! I seriously thought you were wearing a dress until you showed the other picture.

  3. Happy Fashion Friday! Such pretties...I love it tucked in!

  4. Love the way you styled the outfit for work. It is just perfect for work, even with the glam necklace.
    I like it untucked too as it is a beautiful graphic top.

  5. Oh moms can be so silly : ) And I agree! It's great the more hours you work and the location you work at so that you don't have as much time/energy/temptation to spend it all! And hmm... I personally love the top tucked in, but that's probably because I'm obsessed with any top being tucked into a high-waisted skirt or shorts or pants, and I havent been able to wear anything tucked in since being pregnant! Can you tell I love it?! Hahaha!

  6. P.S. Thank you so much for participating!

  7. This is such a chic look for the office - I love the shirt tucked in!


  8. I really like the batwing top - tucked or un-tucked, it's so flattering! Thanks for sharing your look with Visible Monday.

  9. Um I love that top both tucked in and not. Such a great pattern! And that bow necklace...fabulous!

  10. I neeeeeed a jacket like yours - lovely outfit.

  11. At first I thought this was a dress, but then noticed the top with a different outfit - I love it! And I am obsessed with the skirt!

  12. Those accessories are amazing!!

  13. I think you can wear the top both, tucked or untucked. It looks fabulous either way! Stopping by from WIWW.

  14. You look great! And I don't think there's any such thing as being "too glam" for work. Dress up, and have fun doing it, if you want to!

  15. Looks amazing I am a great believer in dressing up for life - where's the fun in dressing down? Thanks for joining in with Wardrobe Weds :o)

  16. Love the top! Thanks for linking up for Flash Blog Friday :-)

  17. These are such cute outfits this week. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party last week. This weeks Link Party is opened at
    from Wednesday until Sunday.
    Hope to see you there.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above


Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting my lil' blog! Your messages, comments and opinions are one of the delights of my day, and I love reading every single one of them as well as try to respond to them whenever I can. So, thanks again for taking the time to write anything here! ^_^