Hello, Friends!
Father's Day
I know it's no longer Father's Day, but let me share with you some pictures of two beloved men of mine who dressed alike for Church for the past two weeks. Aren't they adorable? To me, at least. Haha!
On the first picture collage Hubby and Michael wore T-shirts that Mom got for them from Italy, embroidered with Italy map and cities in colorful threads.
On the second collage, both wore white and blue Indonesian traditional batik fabric shirts with little people prints. It's quite something for Hubby to wear anything but T-shirt and jeans to Church, and he even wore shoes (usually he wore sandals, nice ones, not flip flops!), so I was very happy about it! Hubby dislikes dressing up, but it's very important to me that he at least dress up for Church. Sometimes he complies, sometimes he doesn't. ^__^
Culinary tour around the neigborhood
Hubby and I are pretty much simple, family-oriented, home-loving people. Though we both lived a crazy, glamorous, care-free single lives before, after marriage we basically just love to stay home, eat homemade food, watch DVD, or just have a nice conversation, all within the walls of our own home. Sometimes we will get all glammed up for a "glam" date nights, but rarely. We have fallen into a very predictable yet comfortable routine:
Monday to Friday we stay at home after work for home-cooked dinner and playtime with our son, the bedtime.
Saturday morning is father and son bonding time, so Mommy can snooze a bit, then family time and home-cooked lunch. Sometimes we will go to the nearest mall. Evening is for Church, and sometimes, date night for Mommy and Daddy after Michael goes to bed. Sometimes we order takeouts for Saturday night dinner.
Sunday mornind is going to the park then having brunch. Sunday evening is dinner time at home with homemade cooking.
As you can see, we only eat out pretty much twice a week: Saturday evening and Sunday brunch. Sometimes we would order food more when we don't have time to cook, but not too often.
So we are trying something new this month, just to keep things fresh and not boring. We are playing tourist in our own neighborhood! Instead of heading downtown for datenights, we would try restaurants that we have not tried yet in our neighborhood.
For example, last Saturday after Church, we dropped Michael home then headed out to a steak restaurant just five minutes from our house. We had passed the restaurant hundreds of time, and always mentioned that we should give it a try, but we never did until last Saturday. It was a bit expensive. Well, beef is expensive, and steak is made of a big chunk of beef patty! We don't eat beef often, usually we eat just chicken, so it's a rare treat. A yummy, delicious, unhealthy treat. After steak we still had some space for dessert, so we went next door and bought one portion of sweet "martabak" - a pancake life cake with thick chocolate fillings inside, with lots of butter and condensed milk. Talk about clogging one's artery! We made sure to drink green tea afterward, as well as had meatless dinner the next day to compensate, as well as to assuage our guilt.
In our neighborhood, we have streets practically lined with restaurants, so we decided to try out one new restaurant every Sunday for brunch. We took Michael with us so he could be with Mommy and Daddy as well as trying out new food. Of course, he still had his own lunch after we got home, but at least he experience something new for his palate every week!
Michael is quite a suspicious little fellow. In order for him to try out new food, usually I will have to tell him, "Just taste a little bite. See if you like it, if you don't, you don't have to finish it all." From his expression on the second picture, I guess he liked the fried shrimp meatball that we gave him!
Lessen our household trash
Have you ever wondered where your family trash would finally end up? Most often, in the landfill or the ocean. I am the kind who brings my own bag when I go shopping and try to repurpose everything instead of buying new stuffs. Still, I want to do more for the environment and the future generation. Afterall, we only have one planet (currently) to live, so I don't want a trash-filled planet as my legacy for my children's children. We are the steward of this beautiful planet Earth given to us by God, and we should take a good care of it.
Some time ago, I watched a YouTube clip about Bea Johnson and her zero-waste family. She only buy things with no packaging, cook from scratch, and brings her own jars and cloth bags for grocery shopping. It's quite inspiring. I don't think I would ever reach her zero-waste level, especially since here in Indonesia, it's not possible yet to bring your own mason jar to buy meat at the supermarket. Here, donating and recycling is not as simple as dropping off loads of stuff to the nearest shelter or Goodwill or recyling facilities.
However, one day I stumbled upon the information on the internet that there's a huge recycling facility in a near neighborhood of mine. They are of reputable charity foundation, which is very important because there are many cases where some people would buy used plastic bottles from different brands, fill it up with random products and resell them! They also are willing to do a regular pick up to my neighborhood to collect recycleable trash like plastic, paper, etc.
So I took out a huge bin out of the garage, cleaned it out, and used it to store my dry trash pile, ready for pick up day. I tossed in Michael's formula cardboard boxes, softlens solution packaging, packaging of numerous products, used plastic bottles, etc.
I believe that reduce our consumption is the winner answer for environment problem. Recyling is number two. Still, at least we are doing what we can.
I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:
- Taming Rapunzel: Hair Style Monday
- DC in Style: Monday Bloom
- Not Dead Yet Style: Visible Monday
- Mom's The Word: Make Your Home Sing Monday
- Happy Wives Club: Marriage Mondays
- The Better Mom: The Better Mom Mondays
- What Joy Is Mine: Monday Musings
- Color Blind: Thrifer Anonymous
- The Modest Mom
- Create With Joy: Inspire Me Monday
- The Beauty in His Grip: Sharing His Beauty Mondays
- A Pinch Of Joy: Busy Monday
- Tell Me A Story
- Still Being Molly: YOLO Monday
- Very Busy Mama: Real Mom Style
- Momma In Flip Flops: Real Mom Style
- Thrifty Chic Mom: Real Mom Style
- I Am Priiincess: Monday Madness
- Basic Training – Corporate Style: Fashionably Employed Link Up
- Glamamom: Mode Monday
- Bon Bon Rose Girls: Monday Mingle
- Mom Trend: Monday Mingle
- More Pieces of Me: Manic Monday
- On the Daily Express: Manic Monday
- Whitney Nic James: Personal Style Monday
- Fizz And Frosting: Mix It Monday
- The Style Record: Monday Must Haves
- A Proverbs 31 Wife: Matrimonial Monday Linkup
- I Should Be Mopping The Floor: Inspiration Monday
- Splashin Glory: Momma Notes
- Missional Call: M M and M Monday Linkup
- Chronicles of Grace: Unforced Rhythms
- The Wellspring: Playdates with God
- Rich Faith Rising: Unite
- Finding Heaven: Soli Deo Gloria
- Growing Home: Growing Homemaker
- Teaching What Is God: Women Helping Women
- Join The Gossip: Monday Morning Gossip
- Life of Meg: Mingle Monday
- Little Miss Fashion Queen: Little Miss Monday
- Strangers & Pilgrims On Earth: The Art of Home Making Mondays
- A Delightsome Life: Return to Loveliness
- Bless Her Heart Y'All: Celebrate Southern Link Up
- Darling Downs Diaries: Good Morning Monday Mondays
- A Field of Wild Flowers: Small Wonder
- Style Nudge: Shoe & Tell
- Life’s a Party Dress Like it: Stylish Tuesday
- The Fashion Canvas: Trend Spin Linkup
- Corner Stone Confessions: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Time Warp Wife: Titus 2 Tuesday
- Coastal Charm: Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
- Keeping Life Simple: The Gathering Spot
- Sugar Bee Crafts: Take A Look Tuesday
- Style Elixir: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up
- Growing Home Blog: Teach Me Tuesday
- Greater Than Rubies: Remix, Rewear, Restyle
- Walking In Memphis In High Heels: Trend Spin Link Up
- Myriad Musings: Style Swap Tuesdays
- Mama and More: All About You
- Elegantly Dressed And Stylish: Turning Heads Tuesday
- Reason To Dress: Real Mom Real Street Style
- Sydney Fashion Hunter: Wednesday Pants
- Transatlantic Blonde: What I Wore Wednesday
- Because Shanna Said So: Random Wednesday
- My Girlish Whims: My Whims Wednesday
- Juana Mikels: Wednesday's Prayer Girls
- Kimba Likes: Wardrobe Wednesday
- The Pleated Poppy: What I Wore Wednesday
- Messy Marriage: Wedded Wednesday
- Elizabeth & Co.: Be Inspired
- My Daily Walk In His Grace: Winsome Wednesday
- A Creative Princess
- Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty
- A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
- Cute And Little: Color Brigade
- Redcliffe Style: 30 Plus Style and Beauty Linkup
- Adorned From Above
- Woman to Woman Ministries: Word Filled Wednesday
- Little R & R: Wednesday Link Party
- We Are That Family: Works For Me Wednesday
- Jennifer Dukes Lee: Tell His Story
- Fitness Blondie: The Hump Day Blog Hop
- Shopping My Closet: Style Me Wednesday
- CLK Fashions: Fashion Boutique Favorites
- The Tiny Heart: Look What I Got
- Penniless Socialite: Look What I Got
- Rebecca Lately: Look What I Got
- Mix and Match Fashion: What I Wore to Work
- 3-D Lessons For Life: Thought Provoking Thursday
- Katherines Corner: Thursday Favorite Blog Hop
- A Glimpse Inside: Catch A Glimpse Party
- Serving Joyfully: Thriving Thursday
- Glitz And Gold: All Things Thursday
- Maybe I Will: Be.You.Tiful
- Chic California: Be.You.Tiful
- The Happy Gal: Be.You.Tiful
- Fry Sauce And Grits: Be.You.Tiful
- All Things With Purpose: All Things Thursday
- Children Are A Blessing: Growing In Grace Link Up
- Simply Just Lovely: Working Girl With Style
- Treasure Tromp: Treat Yo'Self Thursday
- Mummy's Got Style: Fashion Friday
- Penniless Socialite and Delusions of Grandeur: Favorite Fashion Friday Link Up
- Two Thirty Five Designs: Casual Friday Link Up
- Serenity Now: Weekend Bloggy Reading Link Up
- Simply Lulu Style: What I’m Loving Fridays
- Style Elixir: Friday’s Fab Favorites
- Musings of a Housewife: Fashion Friday
- Rags to Stitches: Coffee Date Friday
- Womanhood With Purpose: Friday's Link Up
- Missional Women: Faith Filled Friday
- Spiritual Sundays
- Essential Thing Devotions: Essential Fridays
- Rachel The Hat: Passion For Fashion
- Simple Sequins: Fashion Item Friday
- Chantilly Songs: The Totally Awesome Blog Hop
- Christian Mommy Blogger: Fellowship Friday
- The Jenny Evolution: Friday Flash Blog
- Soul Survival: Faithful Friday Linkup
- Bacon Time With The Hungry Hypo: Anything Goes Linky Party
- Midwest Style Bloggers: Friday Favorites
- Lena B Actually: Passion For Fashion
- Blissful And Domestic: Feature Friday Link Up
- Sabby Style: Friday Frills
- How Sweet The Sound: Pink Saturday
- Six Sisters' Stuff: Strut Your Stuff Saturday Linky Party
- Renewed Daily: Recommendation Saturday
- Fashionista Momma: Stylish Saturday
- Sincerely Paula: No Rules Weekend Blog Party
- Amanda's Books And More: Make My Saturday Sweet
- The Baby Shopaholic: Mamanista Friday
Your son and husband look very cute. I bring my own bags to the market and I recycle as well. I try to buy things in bulk and bring my own container but that isn't always possible. Often, I unwrap things at the store and leave what can't be recycled in their trash. I live on the beach and see so much trash washing up. Lots and lots of water bottles and "to go" containers. It's a shame because it is so easy to bring something from home.
ReplyDeleteIt was lovely discovering your blog site for the first time and meeting your family. :) I enjoyed reading the part about recycling and reducing trash and the restaurants. Blessings to you from Espressos of Faith via #FellowshipFriday!
ReplyDeleteThat's just so adorable!Who says only moms and girls can dress alike? Thank you for sharing at Thursday Favorite Things!
ReplyDeleteWhat you wear to church is not as importing as going and worshiping.