
Monday, June 29, 2015

Gratitude Journal: Fruits N Fathers

This week, I am thankful for...

Fresh summer fruits

Summer is here and nothing beats the feeling of eating a fresh, cold watermelon in the middle of a scorching hot day. I bought some watermelon from my twice-a-month grocery shopping, kept it in the fridge, and planned to eat it for healthy snacks when the heat stings like a bee. 

Last Sunday, after spending all morning outside, it was absolutely delightful to open the fridge and saw the red fruit in all its glory, beckoning my hot, thirsty family to indulge in its healthy, water-filled freshness. Hmmmmmm.... Absolutely delightful!

You might think I'm weird, but Hubby also agree that fresh fruits are God's generous bounty that we should be thankful for. Same with the invention of AC and fridge! "There must be a good reason God gives us watermelon in the peak of summer, instead of in winter, " he reasoned, "Or in our case here in Indonesia, in dry season instead of the rainy season."

He is indeed, generous. Think about it. Not only He gives us food as sustenance, but He cares to make food and fresh produce that are appealing to our eyes, ears and senses, in rich colors, textures, and taste. The food that He gives us are not just bland capsules merely to feed and nourish our body, but also to give us joy, pleasure, family tradition, local cuisine culture, even the art of cooking and food preparation.And we are also thankful for fresh apples, pears, and bananas that we still have plenty in the fridge. Yes, we keep ripe bananas in the fridge. It will keep them fresh much much longer for our daily fruit and veggie smoothies.

Father and son bonding time

On Saturday morning, Hubby took Michael for their father and son bonding ritual. They went to the car wash, the gas station to fill up the tank, then to Lotte Mart - a Walmart like grocery and supermarket chain - to give Michael a chance to ride on one of those car-like grocery cart which he loves. 

Not only it gave me some time to snooze and morning me-time during the weekend, but I'm thankful that the two men in my life have their boys time, special just the two of them.

I am thankful that my son will have nice memory of spending time with his father.

I am thankful that my husband is a good husband and father.

I am thankful that I too, have nice memory of spending time with MY own father when I was little, and it was special.

I am thankful for fathers.

And most importantly, I am thankful for our Father in Heaven. 

God bless you all and have an amazing summer!

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:




  1. A great little reminder to take a moment and give thanks for all that I do have...even the simple things. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Watermelon is perhaps my most favorite summer fruit. I am glad you have fresh fruits available there where you live. At one time we moved to live in another state of the USA and fruit and vegetables were scarce. They had to be shipped in and were expensive. Here where we now live we grow our own zucchini, chard and tomatoes. I also have a lemon tree with sweet lemons I add to smoothies. You are blessed with a good husband who willingly takes Michael with him to the car wash and shopping. This is such a precious time in the life of a child to be with both father and mother. Thanks for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.


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