
Monday, July 6, 2015

One Resolution A Month: July

Note: I will be taking a break from blogging for the rest of July, so goodbye for now, and see you again in August!

Hi Lovely Friends!

Here's an update of my one resolution per month project. You can read about what I'm doing in this post here, but in summary, it's programming yourself to do one, - yes, just one, so it is very feasible and achievable -  resolution per month on a consistent, daily basis; thus within a year we will have accomplished twelve resolutions in total, which doesn't sound too shabby, ain't it!

My resolution for June is doing at least 10 sit ups everyday.

So how did I do?

Wonderful. Limiting myself to stick to just one resolution really helps me to do it everyday, because it doesn't feel like an overwhelming burden or a list of long things to do.

After a month, I found out that:
  • By limiting myself to an easy bar to reach, which is 10 sit ups, on most days I managed to do more than that. Sometimes 15, sometimes 20 or even 30 sit ups, and the small accomplishments feel just gRRRReat!
  • At first I try to discipline myself and incorporate the new routine to my mornings. I did mention in my previous One Resolution A Month project (read here) that my new acquired habit of waking up early enables me to do some sit ups in the morning. Well, it doesn't always work! I learned to be flexible and just do the sit ups any time of the day when it's possible. Sometimes I do it before sleep, sometimes before taking a shower. As long as I do ten sit ups a day, I don't care when I do it. Sometimes perfectionism is the number one enemy to realistic self improvement. It's not do it perfect or not at all. It's about making progress, day by day, little by little.
  • There are some days when I slack off. It's OK. Losing one day is not losing one full month. If I miss doing sit ups one day, I just shrugged it off, and on the next day I keep up with my resolution. I didn't force myself to do 20 sit ups to pay off the previous day's "lost". Again, perfectionism can hinder one's progress.

My resolution for July is:

saying negative things about another person 
(whether true or not, implied or explicit) once a day, MAX.

Sounds difficult? For me, it is. But a truly beautiful woman is not the one with the prettiest lipstick. It's the one who takes care that what comes out of her lips represent a beautiful heart.
What resolution are you going to write down in it this month? Please share with us!

I'm linking up to these wonderful Ladies:




    1. What a great idea to do a resolution a month, and you are quite right, both in keeping it realistic and in not beating yourself up over missing a day. Thanks for linking to #AllAboutYou!

    2. LeeAnne, what a good idea to have small, achievable goals for your resolutions. I hope you are enjoying your time off blogging and can come back refreshed and able to minister through your writing again.

    3. Many health experts now tell us that repetitions of 10 or 12 sit ups, and 10 or 12 other exercises such as twists or push ups, then rest are better for you than long hard exercise. This means you have made a wise decision for a resolution for July. I have been doing an easy push up on top of my bed from my knees 12 at a time, then rolling over and doing 10 twists with knees to chest and over to each side, then a rocking sit up. For me at my age, it is a good work out. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    4. Enjoy your blogging break and I look forward to seeing you in July!
      Your 1 Resolution A Month idea is fab and 1 I may adopt! :-)

    5. I love your resolutions! The negative comment one is SO PERFECT! I don't think people realized how often the speak badly about someone and I love that you're trying to stop. Bravo!!!



    Hello, Friends! Thank you for visiting my lil' blog! Your messages, comments and opinions are one of the delights of my day, and I love reading every single one of them as well as try to respond to them whenever I can. So, thanks again for taking the time to write anything here! ^_^