Do we need to pray for our loved ones everyday?
And why do I need to pray continually in the first
place, even when it seems like no one is listening?
My answer of logic
Because you never know, someone might be
listening. What if the invisible God is really there and listening? Would it be
a lost to stop praying to Him? On the other hand, if you continue praying, you
lose nothing.
My answer of faith
I do not just believe that He is listening. I know
for a fact that He is, even if I cannot feel it.
I never cease praying for my loved ones. Even when I don't
feel like it. Not because I think God is not listening. It's because sometimes
our loved ones do not always appreciate it. Perhaps they were upset or
disappointed or discouraged, and sometimes in times like these, people might be
angry towards God or give up on Him and decided to cease praying because
it seems like there's no point in doing so. And sometimes, they became so angry
they snapped at you and told you to "Stop mumbling those nonsense, useless
prayer! Why don't you try to do something real instead, for a change! That
would be more productive!"
First. Those words, coming from a loved one, hurt pretty
Second. Many times when our loved one is being put to the
test, there are very limited things we could do to help. There are very limited
things anyone could do to help. In my case, I tried to
do anything to make my loved one feel more comfortable or happier. Buy him
favorite food and snacks. Keep a smiling, cheerful face though I was worried
and tired and sad and angry myself. Keep the house tidy. Always being available
to listen to complaints and nags as annoying as it is to hear negative
sentences being blasted to your ears over and over again. So, being accused of
not doing anything real but just mumbling meaningful, useless prayers is
definitely unfair.
But who says that life is fair? It is not. So instead of
just complaining and yelling to no avail, just shut up, accept the reality,
live with it, even enjoy it! Despite all the unfairness, life is still great
and beautiful anyway, IF you choose to see it like that. Being
grumpy doesn't help but making people become annoyed and might leave you
You catch more bees with honey, than with vinegar.
When you are miserable, lashing out at your loved ones will NOT
make you feel better, or make the situation any better. It will make you
feel worse, and could jeopardize the relationship you have with your loved
ones. Is it worth it? I don't think so.
Hurtful words are like hammering a nail to a wall. You can
take the nail out, but the “scar” will always be there. You can forgive, but
it’s almost impossible to forget, unless we have amnesia, of course!
So what do you do when your loved one yell at you to stop
praying for him/her?
Keep praying. No storm lasts forever. And when it passed, you and your loved one will be very thankful that you didn't stop praying.
Listen to Him who created Heaven and Earth and everything in it. For me, it's reading the Bible. For years I didn't know how to read the Bible. Several years ago, I learned to practice lectio divina, which is a technique used in a monastery I visited that taught me how to grasp the word of God from the Bible. I prayed before reading the Bible, asking for guidance, ask His grace to explain His word and make them clear to me. I'm still struggling, but it made a lot of difference.
Don't take the hurtful words personally. Most of the time, your loved ones say hurtful things because they were angry at themselves, and at the situation that they cannot control. Not at you. They just lashed out at you because you're the nearest person around and because you love them, they know you will not leave them. Unfair? Definitely. Most of the time, we tend to take our loved ones for granted. But I believe that loving someone is a choice. I could either stay and keep loving, or just leave them altogether.
Keep doing whatever routine and good things you do everyday. Clean the house. Go to work. Fix your hair. Take a shower. Fill the pantry. Negative emotions are like poison to positive ones. Do not succumb to it. Keep your sunshine shining within you to light the darkness around.
Looking for support. To me it's reading encouraging posts from the blogs on the internet. Some people will go to their pastors, or parents, or friends, for advice. I rather keep my personal problems personal, but everybody is different.
Learn from other people's mistake. If you loved one is being childish and immature and selfish, doesn’t mean you should retaliate and do the same thing to him! You should set a higher standard for yourself, and for your loved ones! That’s why we have loved ones around. To influence in a positive way.
Remember: no storm lasts forever. It never did, it never will. Hang in there. And keep praying. One day, when all of this passed, your loved one will thank you for it.
"Then he told them a parable about the necessity for them to pray always without becoming weary." (Luke 18)
These pictures were taken during my 23rd week of pregnancy. The checked trapeze was from my mother in law, which she wore when she was pregnant many years ago. Yup, I don't mind wearing hands me down, and this one is very very useful! I wore it many many times during my pregnancy!
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Great thoughtful post! Couldnt agree more! And lovely outfit!These photos are beautiful! Love the whole look!
Aesthetic Lounge
you look lovely. The accessories are a perfect touch.Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo
oops I neglected to mention that I think your post is lovely and heartfelt too. P.S. all of my maternity clothes except for one outfit were hand me downs :)
I found you at Gracelaced Mondays. Lovely thoughts - I would add forgiveness for those you feel have wronged you. And that is deep forgiveness - the kind where God is there helping you learn to forgive.
I love your strategies.
I agree about never giving up on praying for those you love. I have seen in my own life how the Lord can change hearts of those you pray for. He is a faithful God, always. Thank you for sharing good encouragement at WJIM. Blessings. (And...pretty outfit, too. Loved the bigger bracelet you wore.)
Amen ... stay blessed!
Wow, I've never had any family member ever tell me to stop praying for them but I imagine that would hurt. But you don't have to tell someone you're praying for them because what is done is private is what is rewarded.
Your smock was in excellent condition regardless if it was a hand me down. Thank you for sharing at "Tell Me a Story." Yes, do pray for your loved ones that the "eyes of their understanding be opened to God's path for them, and that they have wisdom to hear his voice and do His bidding.
Im doing a giveaway for a free blog design! If you would like, check it out!
You look so cute and I really love your sandals. So cute!
Yes, we never give up praying for our loved ones, whether they like it or not, lol!
Thanks so much for linking up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today!
beautiful. In the end, prayer can be one of our best expressions of God, and in behalf of those we love. Thank you for your thoughtful post.
Love your toenails and bangles! Pretty touches. Lynaea @
Love that bag! Such great colors. Thanks for linking up for Favorite Fashion Friday. Hope to see you back this week!
Penniless Socialite
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