If you have been following my blog for a while, you might know that I conduct most of my shopping twice a year: mid year and year end, when all the sale and discount parties are happening.
This year, though, mid year came and went and I had no desire whatsoever to shop for anything, except for books - using a free gift card. (Please read the post here). Then Mom and Dad took a trip to rural China, to a place called Zhiang Jia Jie, a scenic natural park of mountains and stones in rural China recognized by UNESCO World Heritage Site where I guess makers of the movie Avatar got their inspiration from. I didn't ask for anything, I have stopped asking my parents for anything since I graduated college and started to earn my own living - unless I give her the money to buy the items with - but Mom came back to visit me bringing a lot of stuff from her trip. I guess no matter how old or financially independent I am, I'll always be her little girl. That's the advantage of being the only daughter (and the youngest one, too) in the family, I think. :)
Thus, though I didn't do my major mid year shopping as usual, I still get some new clothes and accessories anyway. Thanks, Mom!
Before sharing what my Mom got for me, I'd like to share this...

So true, rite! Once I read on the news about a mother who literally stood in front of her toddler and fought a bear so the bear won't harm her child. She got into hospital, of course, but can you imagine what kind of love is needed to do that kind of action? It's not just bravery, it's just pure, pure love.
Now, let's get on with the haul or gifts.
The first thing is this beautiful, Chinese style, hand-embroidered pouch. Mom said she bought it since she saw young ladies wore them like a crossbody bag, but I plan to use it to carr;y my cell phones. I carry three cell phones for work, so this small pouch is just the right size and would be very convenient to carry my cells around the office with. It's too small to be a real bag, at least for me, since I like to carry a minimarket in my bag, haha!
And of course, the almost Shabby Apple teal dress I have worn in this post!

I called the dress "almost Shabby Apple" since it looks very similar to this lovely piece from Shabby Apple collection!
Then came this pretty blouse with ultra feminine soft peach color, chiffon material, puffy sleeves and lace collar. The gold buttons at the front add an extra style to it, too.
I love-love-love this sheer top. The colors and animations look like candy! Mom, you know me so well!!
Mom also got me so many beautiful cuff bracelets. I will only show you some of my favorites, because there are too many of them. I asked Mom why she won't take some for herself, but she said that she's an old grandma and she doesn't feel like wearing statement accessories. I only smiled. My Mom always looks presentable, but I know that unlike me, she's not one who like to primps and put a lot of thoughts about her appearance. She doesn't really care about makeup and fashion, except for her daughter a.k.a me. ^__^
This one is my absolute favorite, because the style, shape and colors are so unique! It's fun, cheerful, vintage-looking, yet modern and edgy at the same time.
And of course, I love anything turquoise. The flower shape is just so pretty.
Mom bought the same style in two different colors, since she couldn't decide which one I'd prefer: turquoise and maroon/burgundy. I love both of them, Mom! You're the best!
Then came the necklaces!
Look at this one! What unusual color! I haven't had any necklace in this color, so I'm very happy about it. Ow, not to mention the double strands.
These two are like baby bracelets with bells around them. Mom bought them for my niece, but my niece didn't want them, so I happily stepped in and claimed them! I love them!!! Won't wear them for work, of course, too noisy and distracting.
And last but not least, my favorite of all, this long necklace with 3D diamante Hello Kitty pendant. I can't tell you how surprised I was when Mom showed it to me. She knows I love Hello Kitty, and pretty much disapproved of my liking, saying I'm waaaay too old for such childish character. I guess she realized now that many grown ups adore this adorable feline, too! (Strangely, I'm not a cat lover, more like a dog person)
The back side. The pendant is 3D, but hollow. Isn't it just adorable!
I wore this in a previous post, too. With the lovely teal dress.

So, that's my mid year (Mom's) haul. Thank you again, Mom! I love you!
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