Anyways. What do you think of my dress? At first, I was going to wear a matching black lacy tank top underneath, but then I thought, why not showing a bit of color? So I end up with this electric pink tank, instead, and totally love the result. Well, I guess the word "elegant" will never define my style...
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wine or Champagne?
Anyways. What do you think of my dress? At first, I was going to wear a matching black lacy tank top underneath, but then I thought, why not showing a bit of color? So I end up with this electric pink tank, instead, and totally love the result. Well, I guess the word "elegant" will never define my style...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Red, White, n Something in Between
We had a good deal on airfare, so we can splurge to spend the two-night-stay at a nice four-star hotel on Orchard. And this time we don't want to explore the city or do shopping or anything. We just want to hang out and eat and have a good time, so Orchard Road is perfect.
Aaaah... the beautiful art of just relaxing and doing nothing...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Chill Out N Have Some Lemonade
The funny thing about money.
When you don’t have any, just the smallest amount to provide food on the table will make you happy. But once you have a little bit more, then you just want more and more.
If you're already a happy person with sweet disposition, money will make you happier and more cheerful. But if you're already a sad, miserable person, money will increase that misery to an even higher level.
So, I agree with the saying “Money can't buy you happiness.”
But it can do wonders to increase what’s already yours.
On a random note, this is a delish kuetiao dish for lunch today!
Canary yellow top: bYSI (Singapore). Yellow tank top underneath (for modesty reason, of course!): unbranded. Black slacks: Invio (office uniform, so it's free!). Teal n silver sandals: Voir (Malaysia). Tosca blue bag: Stradivarius. Turquoise blue earrings, pendant and necklace: gifted by friend, from Bangkok. Tosca blue bracelet: from Shanghai.
Linking up to
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thank You (Not) Very Matched!

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Flowers In A Candy Shop, Or Vice Versa
Anyway, I can't decide whether I should call this look "flower in a candy shop" or "candies in a flower shop". Hence the undecisive post title. It's so bright, and cheerful and colorful, it just makes me smile.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Red N White Flag Inspired
Today Indonesians around the world, whether they live in Indonesian or not, are celebrating Independence Day. So I thought I'd wear something that resembles our red and white national flag.
Here in Indonesia, of course it's a national holiday. (I wore this to work the day before) But I remember when I was basically a soujourner in a foreign land, me and other Indonesians from all kinds of ethnic and religious backgrounds gathered together at KBRI (Indonesian Consulate) to have a little bazaar. We would invite our American friends to feast on delicious Indonesian food, and for some reason, most of our non-Indonesian friends have this particular fondness for sate (kebab) and nasi goreng (fried rice), prepared and cooked Indonesian style with lots of spices!
Then on the Fourth of July, we took turns. Our American friends invited us to celebrate Independence Day with Amerian style BBQ. Lots of sausages, corn, and marinated meat!
Those are wonderful memories. If only the whole world could be filled with that kind of tolerance, friendship, and peace...
Anyway, dirgahayu Indonesia!
Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!
PS: How come this outfit turns out to look more like nautical-stripes-inspired instead of my national flag inspired? Oh, well...
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Short N Sweet Life of Mr. Butterfly
Warning: this is a long post full with words, so if you don't want to read the whole thing, just scroll down and see the pictures instead. Enjoy! I also had it published under sometime last year.
I’m a firm believer that being happy is a good thing. It is my special way to show my love to God. Some people show their faith by reaching out, loving others, and doing good, like Mother Theresa. Some by doing little deeds with love, like St. Theresa, the Little Flower. Some, by contemplation and silence, like the monks. Other ways are by fasting, maintaining self-control, being an example to the young, praying, avoid greediness, going to Church, spiritual retreat, charity, loving your brothers and sisters, etc. All are good; all require hard work, good will, and perseverance to carry them out constantly.
Of course, I try to do all or a little bit of all the ways I know on how to show my love to God. But my special way, my special calling, my special mission, is by always striving to be happy.
Well, think again.
Being happy, like any other ways to practice spirituality, is hard work.
It’s not easy to be happy when you’re lonely.
It’s not easy to be happy when the “love of your life” suddenly dumps you.
It’s not easy to be happy when you lose a job.
It’s not easy to be happy when you are in an abusive relationship.
It’s not easy to be happy and content when you have no money and you know for a fact that your nasty, bitchy, cheating, but beautiful co-worker can spends thousands on a LV bag because she has a rich “sugar-daddy-husband.”
It’s not easy to be happy when you’re being passed up for a salary increase or promotion.
It’s not easy to be happy when people around you are laughing merrily and you’re sitting in the corner feeling like an outcast.
It’s not easy to be happy when you feel that your career is going nowhere and your boss is a “devil wears prada.”
It’s not easy to be happy when your children are sick and your husband is out of a job. It’s not easy to be happy when the news constantly remind you how corrupt the politicians are, and how bleak the economic future will be, etc.
It’s not easy to be happy when the people around you, your family, friends, parents, spouses always put you down, being cynical, negative, pessimistic, and constantly criticize you—no matter how good their intention might be. (Sometimes, the one who can kill you fastest and with the most excruciating pain is the one whom you love most)
It’s not easy to be happy when you’re sick and alone and feel like no one cares whether you’re dead or alive.
It’s not easy to be happy when all you want to do is crawl under the cover and cry your heart out and then go to sleep and never wake up again because you feel so sad and alone and miserable and it seems like there’s no reason to live.

God wants me to strive to happy, in any circumstances.
Being happy in whatever circumstances He puts me in, meaning I trust Him wholeheartedly that He is my Father, Protector, Savior, and Provider. That He loves me and takes care of me. Even when I cannot feel His presence at all.
Being happy in whatever situation is being a light bearer in this world, being a testimony, a witness of God’s love, through the little and insignificant me.
Being happy no matter what is one of the most unselfish things I can do for people around me, because I don’t scatter poison of negativity nor complaints to my community. Because when I look happy even when I just want to roll out and die, people who love me won’t be sad for me nor worry about me, because they’ll think that I’m OK. Because by working hard to be happy, from time to time I find myself being an inspiration for others to also be happy.
So, yes, you can show your love to God by being happy.
Yes, being happy is hard work.
Yes, being happy is an unselfish thing to do.
So I always strive to be happy. No matter what.

I don’t see life as misery. No matter what.
So I celebrate. I celebrate God and His creation. I celebrate life.
And all the things it has to offer.”
Linking up to:
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Not The Biggest Fan of Harry Potter, But...
Ten years ago, I was a fan. I love to read more than anything, so I bought the first book and read it cover to cover. I thought it was really amazing. Then came out the second book. And the third. By the fourth book I stopped reading the series altogether, opting to just watch the movies instead. So the first Harpot is the only Harry Potter book that I own.
Don't get me wrong. I stop reading not because the books are too thick. I read Lord of The Rings and the whole Chronicles of Narnia series. I read ALL Little House the original and the additional series and combined together they're even more voluminous than Harry Potter books. I stopped reading because I no longer interested to read any further.
After reading the history of both Lord of The Rings and Harry Potter, I think I understand why. Tolkien wrote the whole LoTR in the camps during The First World War. At that time, he just wanted to portray the ugliness of war and the reason to live, and since he was a literature professor, what better media he could express himself with than jotting the thoughts down on a piece of paper? He had no idea it would be a huge hit. That's why the whole story feels so genuine and beautiful to me.
Rowling wrote the first manuscript of Harry Potter when she was a poor single Mom slash waitress. The lady truly has amazing imagination, and for that I give her four thumbs ups (Yep, four, arms and legs, haha!) Then Harry Potter the first book became a hit. A HUGE hit. Rowling became the richest woman in England, richer even then the Queen, I heard. After that she wrote the second, third, and next volumes. So, with all the media and the success and the frenzy, I think somehow the story becomes more commercialized and is no longer as genuine as the first book. At least to me.
I realize I might put myself in jeopardy for writing this, so for all Harry Potter die-hard fans, please don't get mad at me! This is only my personal opinion! ^0^'v
However, I still want to know how the story ends and all. Not to mention that I loooove Emma Watson. (The girl has style!) So of course, I can not NOT watch the final movie. I purposedly waited until several weeks have passed after it hit the theater, so the queuing is no longer crazy. You know, Hollywood movie-lovers in Indonesia have been having a movie-fasting for about six months or so because the movie importer had some tax problem with the government. Since the beginning of the year most Hollywood box office like Pirates, X-Men, etc. couldn't get to Indonesian theaters. Some die-hard (and moneyed) movie-lovers even chose to book a ticket and fly to the nearest countries like Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand just to watch the latest box-office movies! So after the six-month ban, you can imagine the craziness when Harry Potter finally arrived in Jakarta cinemas!
Anyway, this is what I wore to the movie at Blitz Pacific Place.