Monday, October 17, 2011

Me? Really? Awww...

Have you ever been in one of those days when you feel sooo good and like everything's going to turn out just fine?

I woke up this morning, fully expecting gloomy clouds and grey skies since the rainy season has begun in Indonesia.
Aaaaand... I woke up to... gorgeous rays of sunshine streaming through my window curtains!

It's gonna be a good day...

And turned out it has been! I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but I sure am grateful for today! It's such a productive day, I did so many things, and it's quite easy to smile and be merry. Yep, by know I know that being happy consistently needs serious hard work. (Please check my thoughts on happiness here)

And then, Sophie from His Abundant Grace notified me, that she wrote a post in her blog titled Mix N'Match, and she featured... moi! It's so sweet of her! She took pictures from my BBCA (Blogger for Breast Cancer Awareness) all pinks ensemble, together with some outfit pictures of Kate Middleton. So, I was like: "Me? Really?" (hence the title) So, thank you Sophie, for featuring that outfit!

Friends, please check out Sophie's blog here, and the aforementionted post here.

On the last note, I like this quote on Sophie's header:

"God in His infinite wisdom, did not make me very wise.
So when my actions are stupid, they hardly take God by surprise."
 (Langston Hughes)

How true!


Daria said...

I love this photo she featured!

And thanks for your comment so much :)
I think I really would do a post about Saint-Petersburg soon, so that you could visit it - even if just through the post :)


ChiChi81 said...

Congratulations on being featured, LeeAnn :) You have really great style, and it's no surprise your friend featured you on her blog. And I love her quote, you're right, that's so true.


A Single Girl's Musings

LeeAnne, Style N Season said...

Daria: please do, especially the architecture and the ballet!

Wi: Thanks Wi!

LeeAnne, Style N Season

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